Thursday, May 31, 2007

Finally some photos for you

As I was riding along today for 75 miles in the most viscious headwind over two mountain passes, I thought about some of the things I forgot to mention in my blog, and since I only have 30 minutes on this computer, I'm going to go through those.

Amongst the shorlines, rivers, and majestic mountain views, there have been lot of really cool bird sightings from cranes to hawks to magpies to red-wing blackbirds to magpies battling hawks.

The other day when I was riding to Kooskia, ID, I noticed some dude with two bikes on top of his car and a professional type camera taking photos of me. I pulled out at the next turnout and talked to him. His name is Chuck and his photos are often published in Adventure Cycling magazine. I signed a model release, and he just sent me the link to the photos. This is the link to his website; you have to scroll down to see the photos he posted of me.

Oh, yes, and hats off to the best health food store I've encountered yet on this trip: The Good Food Store in Missoula, MT. It was HUGE, as big as a Whole Foods, yet nicely independent. And, it is by far the most affordable health food store I have ever been to, EVER. I drank two Kombuchas (in two days = one a day) and enjoyed fresh organic produce, a nice bulk selection, a tempeh sandwich, and 75 cent vegan brownies (take that, Sevananda!)

We camped in Sula after we left Missoula, and I met Sean there. He lives near Lake Tahoe, and was taking his two week vacation away in his RV in Montana. He was a very handsome and seemingly noble man. He gave me a whole bottle of red wine to share with the group from Karly Winery. He gave it to me even before he knew my name, and I said, "woah, that's my name!" The next morning when I left, he gave me a really great hug, and watched me ride away. I didn't leave any contact info, but all the way up that steep mountain pass that day, I felt like I had just missed the opportunity to have a new friend. I also realized that I have been seriously hug deprived on this trip, and I really need a really good hug, or a few! By the way, that pass that day was our highest pass yet, on the Continental Divide. Woohoo!

We saw Clive again in Wisdom, MT and we rode with him to Jackson, MT where we slept last night. He predicted that our group would split, and he had to rub it in a little. Our group is now down to 5: Me, Paul, Bryan, Nix, and Kevin. Michael has branched off to ride the Northern Tier. Ken is on his own schedule, and Jay just can't keep up and may be changing his plans for his trip. I wish the best to them all.

I almost got slammed head on by some jackass driving a Doritos truck today. He decided to move into my lane to pass an SUV, which gave him no clearance, and I was 6 inches aways from grill splatter. That's the first thing all trip that really got my heart racing in a "woah that freaked me out" kind of way. Therfore, I say, BOYCOTT DORITOS!!! Not only are they laden with processed cheese and chemical madness, but a truck that delivers them to your favorite junk food retailer nearly took me out!

Tonight, we camp at the fairgrounds in Twin Bridges, and then in 2 days, we will be in West Yellowstone. After that, we will cross into Wyoming and spend a couple days in Yellowstone, then spur down for a day and a half in Jackson, WY to check out the Grand Tetons. Then it's onward to Colorado. Chances are I won't have much contact between now and Colorado. Hopefully I'll see a grizzly and a moose without getting mauled...


Soul Piercing said...

yay!!! very cool photos.

i know electronic hugs are not as good, but that's the best i can do at the moment. :) xoxo

oh, i've resorted once again to depositing my unused hugs into your karmic bank account. you may be up for early retirement at this rate.

love, peace, and bicycle grease...

ZXC said...

Awesome photos!

Not that I eat Doritos often, but... I'll eat them even less frequently, and encourage others to do the same.

good luck on receiving an abundance of hugs!

jwhaha said...

Nice photos!